Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What God Told me!

The mornings have always been as terrible, getting up everyday in the morning 6 AM. Ah! I hate this. A person, well built to wake up at 10 everyday, goes to office at 7, reaches at 8, starts his work, listens to the hard words of his lead, wakes himself to get his work done. Working late in office has been his usual habit. What he feels the worst thing in his life, people tell him what to do, whereas he wants to experience what should have been done, learn from his mistakes.
Life went on really abnormally for him and then suddenly a thing happened. He wakes up to find himself no where. Absolute no where. It was complete dark around. He shouted, he cried, but no one was there to feel him. He ran and ran endlessly. He felt no pain, on exhaustion. He was in lull. What he could always feel was the time. The endless time this made it to be counted. Every moment was like an age passing away.
He kept shouting loud and clear if someone could hear him and rescue, but it all fell to deaf ears. He kept crying out of pain of no sense. He was calling all the people he knew around him. His Mom, Dad, Friends, Relatives, Brother, Sister. And then he finally asks God to help him out.
A streak of light and no senses again.
“Welcome my Child, how u doing?” asks a young man with a wonderful smile on his face. He wore a white Kurta and pant.
“I am hardly feeling alive, who are you and why am I here. Did u kidnap me? What place is this, that I don’t feel anything?”
“This is Judgment room my son. And u are facing someone who created you. You are my son. Didn’t u feel it when u were here from such a long time?”
He thinks for a while and feels like crying, “Am I Dead?”
“This is your soul son. Your work in the living world was over so I took you over here. Now I am here to decide where I should send you, Heaven or Hell. But before I think about deciding it, want you to say something about your life in Earth. How was it? Did u like it or u want to complain about something, Go ahead and take your time.”
“Hmm, Life is terrible in Earth. Every time you see something, you see things you are not happy to see. Poverty, Hunger and Hatred, people trying to cheat and fool you. Right from the moment you wake up you are screwed in your life. Politicians rule over you. What you can just do is to see things happen. We can’t do anything as those rich ugly people whom you have given the power of the will ruin who speaks against him. Life comes terrible the time I used to go to Office and get my life screwed with the people around. And the worst thing, you saw everything and did nothing. You are God, you have power and still u never helped the poor, though u could do it every moment. The girl I like the most left me in despair. I got no good friends who could be with me. And today I see myself dead! I never would like to go there again”
“I am here to be judged by you. Now tell me, how does it really matter what I am and what have I done, you must have decided where to put me, isn’t it?”
“Son, I ask you these questions because I want you to realize certain things. You tell that I am not doing anything having all the power of the world. Don’t you think you could have made a lot of changes to this world? You knew everything. But still you choose the wrong path. Would you like to confess something or send a message to your dear ones! I can help you doing so.”
Aditya thinks for a moment. He tries to remember what things he has done. What sins has he committed and the people he is going to miss the most. “God, I want to thank my Mom and Dad. They did whatever was possible for them. I remember when I was still a young lad, how they managed to feed me, selling of articles from the house. I repaid them by shouting at them and playing with their hearts. They never said a word. ”
“They love you a lot, whatever they are. They will always do think good for you.”
Then Aditya felt into tears. He began again, “Cherry, the girl who loved me the most. Did whatever I asked for. I played with her emotions. I lost control over my lust and made a fool out of her. She was in deeply in love with me. I used her and one day I just left her never seeing her face. I always thought about her after leaving the college. Thought I could meet her ask for her forgiveness. I suffer every moment, thinking about her.”
“And then Kavya, whom I love the most. I know she got right reasons to leave. I don’t know what I was doing and she was scared that one day I will leave her and so she left me. Just wanted her to know that I would her a lot, if I would have been alive, no matter what came to me.”
“Forgot to mention about my friends. They were they to help me out every moment. I ditched them and never ended up being a good friend. Thought I could meet them and tell them, I miss you all a lot!”
The so called God spoke again, “Tell me now, aren’t you doing what you always wanted to do in your life. Isn’t it you who choose this path?”
“Yes, I choose this path, but after a while I feel like I am lost. I am no where and rethink and feel that I could have done other things which were far better”
“If I ask you a single question from your work, can you answer me?”
“I think I can”
“Then why don’t you think you can carry the same profession with a little more dedication. I know appreciation is hard to come by. But can’t we give our best shot and forget about the reward. Don’t you think you still lack a few things which you always know you can improve on?”
Aditya focuses a bit and finds that he actually agrees what he was said.
“I know you will do the best if given another shot. You have realized what you are supposed to do. But if you don’t like this thing, why don’t you leave it?”
“Because I was scared, that leaving this work will lead me no where”
“Believe me, its just this fear that we are stopped from doing the best things in our life. You could have probably helped a lot of poor. But you did not thinking you will get over with money. You could be brave and fight the people who are wrong, if you just overcome your fear. Fear is the worst enemy to once life. You are never a man until you overcome your fear. I tragedies you see around can always be avoided if you are brave enough. Isn’t it?”
Aditya felt he was enlightened. He knew now, what he was supposed to do. He knew how to face the world. He got to know what was wrong in his life. It was not others but himself which kept him away from the best of his life. For a minute Aditya was happy, but the next he was sad. He knew he can never improve the things that now he is dead. Now that he wanted to change things, he cannot.
“Aditya I know how are you feeling now. I will give you another chance, and this time you choose. Be judged now or take five more years and complete your task and come back again. “
Aditya had a faint smile on his face. And suddenly everything disappeared from his eyes. He was in deep lull again.
He woke up in a Hospital. He could find Cherry near him, Parents on another corner crying deeply.
“Finally God listened to us, you are awake. Doctors lost all hopes that you would ever wake up after such a heart attack!” exclaimed cherry.
“He knew I had tasks to do cherry, and so he sent me back here again.”
Aditya thanked God and murmured, time to start for what I am here for.

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